© Tom Nitsch Images 2010
Length of the film: 34 minutes
Worldfest Houston PLATINUM REMI AWARD 2011
„STRIKING THE BALANCE“ or „The Inner Struggles in Yachting“ is something like a look at the question some of us will have had in a weak moment: „Is it all worth it? or „Why do we hang on“? The film follows these questions with a twinkle in one´s eye based on a cartoon listing the number of work and worry hours in contrast to the fun ones. Certainly this is and will stay very subjective and so we know that we will get stranded by trying to nail things down to simply economics but help is at hand : The historic words of famous naval architect and author Uffa Fox will easy our minds finally……
Worldfest Houston PLATINUM REMI AWARD 2011
© Tom Nitsch Images 2010
Length of the film: 34 minutes
Worldfest Houston PLATINUM REMI AWARD 2011