Tom Nitsch Images


November 21, 2019
SKU: 255

Sailing with a yacht often has the effect of learning something. It starts with understanding how to handle a yacht under sail or motor. It continues with improving one´s abilities. But the range of lessons is much wider out there. We are exposed to nature and it´s beautiful moods as well as the spectrum of it´s incredible forces giving us the healthy teaching how small we really are. Inspiring places can be found as well as romantic harbors. Lonely voyages can be our goal as well as building up great friendships with crew members.
The camera is on board of all kinds of yachts from a very unstable 49er to the impressive three-masted schooner ATLANTIC, from a very basic converted lifeboat to the latest foiling yacht.
Sailors are sharing their experiences, the teachings they received out there.

One of them is the late Mike Peyton whos wonderful perspective on things expressed in his world-famous cartoons is an everlasting joy. His humor is a great support for gaining a positive look on all experiences sailors make, even the unpleasant ones….

Worldfest Houston PLATINUM REMI AWARD 2020



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© Tom Nitsch Images 2019

Length of the film: 50 minutes

Worldfest Houston PLATINUM REMI AWARD 2020

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