Tom Nitsch Images


September 2, 2022
SKU: 277

Light and matter definitely have more than one dimension, starting with the question: what is it? When editing the film, I was associatively reminded of the motto of the Classic Yacht Symposium in Helsinki 2020 given by the late Esko Klipi: „Joy & Beauty“. Another metaphore for „Light & Beauty“ as I saw it. Light does not only make beauty visible. It is the important factor to make it fully visible, to let it  appear in its full potential and expression. And this in turn can be the source of deep joy.

Experts and lovers of the classic yachts like Donn Costanzo and John Lammerts van Bueren give us some of their ideas about it.


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© Tom Nitsch Images 2021

Length of the film: 13 minutes



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