Tom Nitsch Images


November 14, 1992
SKU: 015

About fifty years after WW2 the era of the Classic Yachts enjoys a spectacular renaissance. Hardly  nobody thought this to be possible. The absolute highlight of Classic Yachts events became „La Nioulargue“ a race week in the Golf of St.Tropez. It started already in the 1980s. This film was shot in 1991, when the air was „electrified“ by excitement and enthusiasm.

The film tries to capture the magic while mixing information with visual enjoyment. It is like an invitation to be sitting in the first row of St.Tropez’s renowned cafe-chairs to watch the spectacle…

Technically in terms of film making, 1991 was not really „classical“ any longer, because documentaries were hardly shot on film anymore but rather on the video TV standard Betacam. On the other hand, the optical quality of this video material was poor in those days compared with the HD standard of today. The same was true for the editing. Video editing was a pain compared with film editing and definitely a much harder one compared with today’s computer editing possibilities.


Worldfest Houston SILVER AWARD 1993


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@ Tom Nitsch Images 1992

Length of the film: 45 minutes

Worldfest Houston SILVER AWARD 1993


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